Prof Tawfik Khoja

معلومات شخصية



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توفيق بن أحمد خوجة



I got the bachelor degree of medicine and surgery (MBBS: General Physician) from King Saud University in 1982, Higher diploma as a GP in Family Medicine, same university in 1986. He is the fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners (FRCGP) since 1989 and the fellow of the Faculty of Public Health (FFPH) since 2003. I have been awarded in June, 2003 the Professorial ship in health systems and quality (Adjunct Professor) from Oklahoma University, USA. I got the fellowship in medicine in 2007 (FRCP). At the beginning of 2010 he received the Professional ship degree from Imperial College, London – UK.I was the Director General, Executive Board, Health Ministers’ Council for the Cooperation Council States for more than 16 years , Family and Community Medicine Consultant, in addition to other job responsibilities including overall development and implementation of PHC, family medicine, public health and development and advancement of health programs and improvement of TQ concepts and patient safety, conduction and coordination of field studies and research in PHC & he held in the MOH Director General of Health Centers, Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, before appointment as the Director General of the Executive Board, HMC/GCC. I am the General Secretary of the Arab Hospital Federation, , as well as Deputy Chairperson of Arab Union Anti -Forgery and Counterfeit.